Income Tax Preparation
We understand that our clients have entrusted us with their personal financial information. We maintain a secure server and restrict access to confidential personal information. Our privacy policy restricts us from sharing your information for any reason, unless directed by you.
We prepare income tax returns for individuals, estates, and small businesses including sole proprietors, partnerships, LLC’s, corporations, and small non-profit organizations. You can also prepare your taxes online and use a coupon from Raise.
Your personal income tax returns are never prepared without a meeting or discussion about your financial affairs so that we are able to take advantage of any income deductions or tax credits you may be entitled to. We help you to understand how effective personal financial management can translate into tax savings, and we show you how to maintain appropriate records in order to be able to provide us with all of the necessary information related to income and deductions for the year.
If you are not one of our accounting clients, your business income tax returns are prepared based on information you provide. We strongly urge you to meet with us well ahead of tax time so that we can understand how your business operates, the accounting systems you have in place, and the goals you have set, so that we can obtain the information we need in order to file an accurate return for your business.
In the event that your individual or business tax returns are selected for review or examination by taxing authorities, we will be glad to assist or represent you with any returns that were filed by our office. Please note though, that our fees for preparing your returns do not include time that might be necessary to assist you during a taxing authority review.